Monday 15 October 2012

The High Line for London

Summary from The High Line Symposium

Joshua David and Robert Hammond are the brains behind the Line, they first discovered the High Line railways in the early 00's. Up above the city they came across a "wild landscape" which had claimed a piece of the city of its own.

This is where the High Line sprang from, an Industrial artefact which had been conquered by nature in all its wild rugged beauty. It was an unknown entity which was under threat from developers but David and Hammond saw the potential and fought demolition orders, politicians, developers, local communities trying to convince them all the real value in greening the city in this way. By working out the economic value of the site they soon turned the tide of popular opinion and the High Line project was established.

This is a project which inspires and shows how two people can have a vision and with determination and hard work, that vision can be realised.

The key to the success of the High Line, beyond the tourists who visit, was their dedicated approach to the local community. They aim to prove that this is a place for all fractions of New York society. With the tag line "High Line: Your Back Yard Park", they strive to welcome those that perhaps did not realise that this is a place for them to visit and enjoy.

This should be our approach to Battersea and beyond, it should not feel exclusive but inclusive, a place for everyone to enjoy the river and the landscape...

Top 20 competition entries for the "London High Line"

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