Thursday 1 November 2012

Before and After...thoughts?

I haven't quite finished yet and need to add people. which should make it feel a little more alive but what are people's thoughts so far? 

 My aim was to create a general feel for our design, this obviously only includes our ideas to this point ...not the finished product, so we can easily update this at a later point!!

Great photos INSIDE Battersea Power Station site!!

Monday 29 October 2012

MEBIE – the Micro-Economic Benefits of Investment in the Environment Review

MEBIE – the Micro-Economic Benefits of Investment in the Environment Review is an in-house literature review. It is focussed around ''green infrastructure’' interventions and is structured using the Ecosystem Approach. It is designed to help Natural England staff make the case for the natural environment to decision makers such as Local Authorities and Local Enterprise Partnerships.

Thumbnail image of cover.

This is probably rather heavy going but I think we could gain some brilliant factual evidence for some of our green infrastructure suggestions.

Battersea Heartbeat

I had a chat with Norbert on Friday about a possible concept video. This is it (above), the idea is the tagline could be something like "Battersea Green Surgery: Injecting new life into old veins". My idea was a bit more elaborate but I'd thought I'd get some feedback before I went further.

The finished Gardens by the Bay film

And the finished result...

Bio Domes and Ecology

This is the first part of my research and worth watching...

I think the Bio Domes in Singapore are a great source of inspiration for us. This post will follow with more information on the domes and other sources of interest.

University of Wageningen - Pictures

Some pictures to give us an idea of what our research centre might look like

Passive House Systems

Urban Design Theory

Urban Design Theory
City form and Natural Process: Towards a New Urban Vernacular
By Michael Hough
Routledge, London, 1989 

Essential principles are:

  • Urban ecology as healthy basis for shaping cities
  • Aim is a sustainable future
  • Maintenance of biological diversity
  • Environmental view involves economic, politic and planning/design issues
  • Urban problems root in the inner city
  • Recollection of vernacular landscapes (used for food production, pragmatic aims)
  • Once: no abundance of energy à ceased by the beginning of industrialisation

 Design Processes:
  • All processes are dynamic!
e.g. geological uplift, erosion, hydrological cycle as well as changes in community like social alterations, demographic change and politic shifting
  • Connectedness of factors is omnipresent
  • Making the most of opportunities
  • Making visible the processes that sustain life 

CITY     à development to make cities environmentally and socially healthier
à diversity as precept!
Using this Theory: Grosvenor Bridge
Grosvenor Bridge as an
energy producing (=water wheel),                          
biodiverse (=green wall & inner-city forest) and
pragmatic (=rail way level) facility.
 = making the most of opportunities!
Visualisation X-section:


Regents Canal - Impressions

residential housing close to the canal,
beautiful natural riverbank with a copse

space for recreation

Art on the Canal

2nd Site Visit on 24th Oct

Here are my pictures made during our 2nd site visit!
From Victoria to Vauxhall Bridge:
wealthy residential area

Eccleston Square and Warwick Square are
well maintained green spaces between the built-up areas

Photo of Warwick Square

SIS Building MI6
= a potential of our site

Parry Street
entering the industrial area

Flower Market

Flower Market
industrial, unpleasant, unesthetic

contemporary motosport event at BPS