Friday 12 October 2012


Battersea Power Station comes clean about it's sordid past....

Thursday 11 October 2012

Team Name and Concepts

Firstly I've been thinking the team name.... how about the Urban Surgeons

Secondly I've been thinking about concepts/sketch design.

On Tuesday Julian, Sarah and I had a mini brain storm about our ideas for the site:

This was the initial concept diagram... well received during the crit, but considered a little too analogue...

Refined to include key design features/opportunities...

 Then we drew a rough diagram of how this would fit into the site:

Then the idea of a green engine with cogs evolved. From the feedback we got during the crit we need to move forward with a more organic form of this engine concept. I drew a quick sketch just after the crit, which I showed Julian. These are some refinements of that sketch:

Julian has taken this to a new level:

So thats where we are in the scheme of things. It would be great if we could all leave a comment saying what we think of this idea so far. You should include any reservations, extra ideas, new ideas etc

Then if everyone can bring thoughts, diagrams, rough sketch designs to the meeting on Monday

BBC article on the High Line

New York's High Line: Why cities want parks in the sky

As is widely know.... In August 1999, local architectural enthusiasts Joshua David and Robert Hammond went along to a public meeting to discuss the future of the High Line.
Within months the two New Yorkers - variously described as total amateurs and neighbourhood nobodies - founded the Friends of the High Line, a charity that has gone on to transform the abandoned railway line into a wildly successful new kind of public space - part-beach, part-park, and part-promenade.

Includes an interview with Robert Hammond, co-founder of the High Line.

Monday 8 October 2012

Factual Mapping

This is what I've come up with so far..

Geology and Soils


Also I've done a cross-section but at such a small scale you can't really see many levels so I've tried to look at it as a spatial section

Also here's a video from the train of Battersea Power Station in all it's un-edited glory..